Vinnell inherits broken Army vehicles. The top brass gets the best ones. They wear them out and pass them down to the smaller people. The HR guy wears his out and passes it downward. Those who get the vehicles somehow must make them
drivable, so they can get to the other posts and teach the
Saudi recruits. The least paid people with the most education get large vans and small trucks like this Jimmy truck. All of our vehicles repeatedly break down mainly because they have passed through so many hands. None of the vehicles that carry these highly educated teachers in uniform have working air conditioners in them.
No Air conditioners! Imagine driving, or riding in a vehicle with no AC throughout your contract. The city is very hot. The vans are even hotter because they have been parked on the pavement all day in 130
Fahrenheit, but you don't complain because this maltreatment somehow fulfills your deep seated need to be abused. These vans, that are sometimes driveable, carry western teachers in military uniforms from one end of the city to the other so they can teach. Vinnell vans are exposed to any sort of attack, but we teachers are
OK with this because we have been chosen by
Vinnell to endure in silence. Get this, teachers are the only Vinnellis who use vans at all. We should be grateful because for some time now we have been threatened by a medium manager to be
herded into a bus. This would be extremely dangerous to attack, yet we are automatons who question nothing at all. Vinnell really doesn't care that we are doubly hated by the locals. We are Americans and we work for Vinnell.